To The Beat: Tracing the Origins of Sampling in Music

With roots in hip hop and electroacoustics, sampling music remains a popular technique for turning the old into new.

Dissonant Whimsy: An Interview With Artist Yuliya Lanina

Multimedia artist Yuliya Lanina's art not only entrances viewers, but transports them to an unseen world.

Tips For Building A Stronger Game Design

Apply these tips so you can develop better, more engaging game design ideas.

5 Comic Artists You Need to Follow On Instagram

Instagram is a hot spot for artists to showcase their work, particularly comics.

What’s That Noise?: Devising Sound Elements in Horror Movies

How the fear factor in audio is amplified with spine-tingling effect.

Celebrating InkTober

InkTober challenges artists everywhere to create ink drawings throughout October.

Open-Source Gaming Projects Programmed In Perlenspiel

Even with just a handful of pixels and text, anyone can make an appealing game.

Practicing Artistic Innovation With Perlenspiel And Microgames

A closer look at the minimalism built into Perlenspiel.

Learn the Elements of Microgame Design Using Perlenspiel

Explore the practice of digital game design using the Perlenspiel game engine.

A Survey of Robots In Art History

Early explorations in robot art have come to challenge our long-held views of reality and creation.