Renewing Learning Design through Creativity and Technology

The digital learning designer Luis Alvarado concluded a blog post recently by proclaiming, "Online learning does not…

Artful Sharing

One year on and the pandemic remains. Along with the many signs of distress we see around us, we note the ravages of…

Kadenze’s Learning Vaccine for tough times: Protecting our creative futures

One year on and the pandemic remains. Along with the many signs of distress we see around us, we note the ravages of…

Moving on from the ‘omnishambles’ of 2020

2020 was the year of the ‘omnishambles’, that evocative word invented by the Brits to capture the mayhem caused by…

Productive Disruption: Kadenze’s Silver Lining in the Cloud

Some radical re-thinking of many established practices in higher education will be required post pandemic. Kadenze,…

Preparing for the Inevitable Disruption to Higher Education: Kadenze, Inc.

Kadenze, Inc. was prepared to respond to the inevitable disruption in higher education, we just didn't know it would be…