Sonic Worlds: An Interview with Seth Cluett
We spoke to artist and composer Seth Cluett about sound, senses, and why you should embrace an experimental mindset.
Seth Cluett of Columbia Teaches Experimental Sound Design Techniques
Produced by Columbia, build a foundation in experimental techniques for sound art and design.
Kadenze Student Spotlight: Meet Petr
Driven by a passion for audio, Petr Yakyamsev discusses his career in sound design for video games.
6 Ways to Capture Magic in the Studio
Use these tips to improve your work in the studio and take your sound to new heights.
What’s That Noise?: Devising Sound Elements in Horror Movies
How the fear factor in audio is amplified with spine-tingling effect.
6 Simple Tips That Will Enhance Your Sound Design
Follow these basic tips so you can be a sound design pro in no time.
Learn How to Design and Compose Synthesizer Sounds
This course will help you build on your skillset through an in-depth look at more sophisticated techniques.