Featured Student Work: Summer 2019
Soak up creative inspiration from these summer-themed student projects.
Designer Matali Crasset on Disciplinary Boundaries
Design spans across a variety of topics, but some designers choose not to specialize at all.
What is Object Design?
There's no one right way to define design, resulting in many different approaches to its practice.
14 Design Visionaries That Helped Shape Modern Life
Whether we're aware of it or not, these influential designs have left a resounding impact on our daily life.
Creative Exercises Every Designer Should Do
Got designer's block? Get back on track with these exercises for design inspiration.
Women in Tech: A Conversation with UX Designer Marijke Jorritsma
JPL UX Designer Marijke Jorritsma talks STEAM education, improving gender equity, and her favorite design projects.
Off the Grid: The Difference Between Static and Dynamic Composition
Engaging graphics organize and convey movement by the way they guide the viewer’s eye across their surface.
Learn How to Produce Virtual Reality Experiences in Unity and Beyond
This course will cover the theoretical foundation and hands-on projects needed to learn how to create VR experiences.
To a Typographer, Everything’s a Pen
A mastery of many tools (and not just the normal ones) help pro typographers employ unique lettering designs.
Learn How to Draw and Design Architecture, Digitally
Modern architecture is guided by algorithmic and generative design approaches, and much of that design is digital.