Handling your taxes as a freelancer is terrifying. Sure, there’s a ton of information out there to help you with your taxes—if you’re on a salary. But as soon as you start sending invoices, signing short-term contracts, or even a Patreon, you’re running a business. And that’s a whole new game, with a different set of rules, regulations, and yes: deductions.
A common deduction we’ve all heard of, and we think we can get: If you work from home, you can deduct something, right? It’s not quite so simple. There are some requirements you have to meet, but if you can meet them, it’s a good chunk of change. Below, Elaine Grogan Luttrull (of Columbus College of Art & Design) tells you all you need to know to beef up your U.S. tax return if you work from home.
This content comes from Tax Basics for Creative Entrepreneurs, part of the Program Money Matters for Creative Entrepreneurs.
Money Matters for Creative Entrepreneurs
Columbus College of Art and Design