Discover contemporary techniques for sound arts and design in our upcoming course! Offered by Columbia University, Experimental Foundations for Sound Design teaches learners the essential building blocks of creating and designing audio for the arts.
The course focuses on how applications of historical and experimental analog electronic, recording, and studio techniques are central to electronic music and sound design within modern studio platforms. Using Ableton Live and Audacity, learners will hone and expand their craft by working with oscillators, synth patches, and other hardware to deepen their sound creation.
Composers, sound designers, sound editors, and independent filmmakers can apply these techniques in a wide variety of areas, ranging from sound design for film, video games, electronic music, sound art, and more. Whether it’s for a small-scale project or sound art installation, this course provides you with the foundation to create innovative audio outside of your craft and enrich the quality of your production.
The instructor for the course is Seth Cluett, visual artist and composer lecturing at Columbia’s Computer Music Center and Sound Art program. Cluett is also the Artist-in-Residence at Nokia Bell Labs. Cluett’s work has been featured internationally at venues such as the Whitney Museum and MoMA/PS1, and STEIM. His research involves virtual and augmented reality acoustics and multi-sensory communication.
Previous knowledge of Ableton Live is helpful but not required to take this course. If you’re interested in leveling up your sound design skills, enroll by clicking the link below:

Experimental Foundations for Sound Design
Columbia University in the City of New York