The second installment of our DigiFab: Introduction to Digital Fabrication Program is live today! In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of 2D design and fabrication and will apply concepts from the DigiFab I course to build knowledge on various digital fabrication machines and how to design for them.

Sponsored by Autodesk, DigiFab 2D: Laser, CNC, and Waterjet focuses on Adobe Illustrator and Autodesk Fusion 360. Using Illustrator, students will learn to manipulate vector and raster imagery and create designs for laser cutting and engraving. In addition to Illustrator, students will familiarize themselves with Autodesk Fusion 360, a powerful parametric drafting program that allows users to easily visualize 2D and 3D models and parts on any device. By the end of this course, students will be able to utilize Fusion 360 to build around real world hardware and create flatwork and 3D assemblies for laser cutters, CNC routers and water jets.

As a transition from theory to practical techniques, DigiFab 2D is a primer on learning how to use software for digital fabrication. This course is ideal for creatives who work in manufacturing, architecture, and sculpting, as well as artists who are interested in 3D printing and modeling.

Join DigiFab 2D: Laser, CNC, and Waterjet now!

DigiFab 2D: Laser, CNC, and Waterjet

Kadenze Academy