The final course of the program Digital Game Design: Getting Started with Perlenspiel launches tomorrow! Offered by Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Synthesis: Realizing Game Ideas in Code concludes the program with a study of advanced techniques in the Perlenspiel game engine, with an emphasis on expressing game ideas through code.
Expanding on topics from the previous two courses, learners will complete their understanding of microgame design fundamentals. Lessons will examine two powerful and versatile systems in the Perlenspiel API: grid planes and sprites. Throughout the course, students will learn about color generation, the sprite subsystem, and designing and implementing multi-function game maps through custom image files. Students will build a final project to demonstrate their understanding of techniques and Perlenspiel’s capabilities. To polish the game design experience, the final session ends on a discussion of critical design topics: titles and endings.
Game developer Brian Moriarty of WPI is the instructor for the course. With years of industry experience, Moriarty has authored successful award-winning game titles such as Trinity (1986) and Beyond Zork (1987).
This course is a program exclusive and begins on April 16. Enrollment is open now, sign up below!
Synthesis: Realizing Game Ideas in Code
Worcester Polytechnic Institute