We’re announcing a new partnership with Output, a music technology company that helps musicians make innovative instruments and tracks with their incomparable plugins (though recently they’ve been getting a ton of attention for the slick and affordable studio desk they’ve designed).

Output joins our growing list of partners dedicated to high-quality online education, and they aren’t holding back: we’ve joined forces with them to build a two-course Program in audio plugin development. Both courses of this Program are taught by Output engineers, making this a unique opportunity to get an inside look at how software is actually developed inside one of the industry’s leading plugin companies.

The first course, Introduction to Audio Plugin Design and Development, will take you through the art of object-oriented programming in C++, and how to use JUCE to turn that skill into multi-threaded audio plugins. The second, Advanced Audio Plugin Development, is just what it sounds like: coverage of digital signal processing, modulation and interface design. By the end you’ll be able to make professional, performance-ready plugins.

This is just the beginning of our plans together with Output, so keep an eye out for more updates.

To learn more about Creating Audio Plugins With C++, an online Program from Kadenze Academy and Output:

Creating Audio Plugins With C++

Kadenze Academy