5 Comic Artists You Need to Follow On Instagram

Art by Rebecca Kirby / InstagramAs a comic artist and creator, there are some days when inspiration is hard to come by. One way to help get out of that creative slump is taking a look at other artists’ practices.Social media platforms, especially Instagram, are great places to start discovering some new visual work by illustrators at every level. There’s a world of creativity…

How to Design Strong Narratives for Comic Layouts

Comics present artists with a unique platform for expression and storytelling. Rather than using words, the stories are told using a string of related images put together like pieces of a puzzle. Like any story, a lot of planning goes into a comic beforehand.A helpful planning tool for preparing a comic is the 6-panel grid. This specific layout allows the artist to visualize different angles…

COVID-19 and the next New Deal for artists: “Building the Vibe”

Photo courtesy of Arts CorpsTeaching is like dancing. Sometimes your step on someone’s feet, misread cues, or land flat on your ass. Whatever the case, teaching is both exhilarating and frightening.  Even on the best of days, there’s always one thing that tickles your brain because you know you could have done something better. Now that many of us are teaching and parenting and stuck in…

Community Engagement, COVID-19 and Big hART – the promises we must keep

Photo by Leith Alexander, courtesy of Big hART.“Against the unpredictability, against the chaotic uncertainty of the future, the remedy lies in the ability to make and keep promises.” - Hannah Arendt.In my role as CEO of the Arts and Social Change organisation Big hART – an Australian Arts and Social Justice not-for-profit working with vulnerable people - I’ve watched COVID-19 drastically…

Featured Student Work: Visual Arts

The visual arts encompasses a wide range of ways to convey vivid storytelling as well as emotional expression. With courses on subjects ranging from animation to illustration, you can pick up a variety of skills to make beautiful visual works in many different mediums.Here’s a collection of featured visual arts submissions from the Kadeze community.Lydia JeneweinIntroduction to…

6 Visual Arts Courses to Inspire Creative Play This Summer

Photo by Donato Nasuti / Pixabay Colorful prints, leisurely activities, and endless entertainment options are synonymous with the exciting season. Summer has kicked off, and such a relaxed environment is perfect for catching creative rays to channel some fun themes into your artwork. Featuring topics that celebrate delectable treats and the great outdoors, we have many diverse visual arts courses…

Celebrating InkTober

Art by Crista KemptonOctober isn’t just the month for pumpkin spice lattes and Halloween decorations. There’s actually an October-exclusive, month-long creative challenge called InkTober. You might have heard of this if you're a visual artist. InkTober was created by Jake Parker, illustrator and co-founder of The Society of Visual Storytelling. Essentially, the challenge is to create ink…

14 Design Visionaries That Helped Shape Modern Life

Photo Willian Justen de Vasconcellos by / UnsplashWhether you’re aware of it or not, design permeates your life more than you think. It comes in many forms, from classic movie posters to buildings that have endured over centuries. Successful design doesn’t try too hard to call attention to itself. Inventing the next big thing in design is something of a paradox; designers need to imagine a…

Art and Technology in the Present: Kadenze Student Interviews

Today’s technology is increasingly becoming more involved in the world of contemporary art. The variation of tools are enabling students to discover new ways of harnessing different mediums to produce new artistic genres. As the boundaries between arts disciplines continue to be restructured by technology, artists are seizing the opportunity for bold experimentation. Thanks to the development of…